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What is aBetterChemtext? aBetterChemText is intended to be a new way to look at Chemistry. It is written in plain English to make it acc...


A word of warning before we dive into this chapter:
Much of what follows will seem overly detailed and tedious and with very little point. Right now, I want only to say that this is, in fact, one of the most important units in chemistry and that by the end of this chapter you will have the beginning ideas that will allow you to understand everything from why salt shrivels up a slug, to why water beads up on a newly waxed car, to why clouds form as warm moist air rises, to why so many chemical reactions (like those that make life work) occur in water.

Bonding is the name for the force or forces that hold compounds together. For example a water molecule is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bonded together. Bonding is NOT the force that holds a drop of water together. Forces of that type are called intermolecular attractions and will be dealt with later. There are two types of bonding that you need to understand. Covalent boding and ionic bonding. Ionic bonding is the simpler of the two and it is recommended, therefore, that you tackle it first.

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